Arbor will be in use from 24th February 2025

We recommend you download the Arbor Parent Portal App. See the information below.
Arbor is our school to home communication system, and our preferred method of contacting our school families. When your child starts at school, you will receive an email or text message inviting you to sign up. When you register, you can choose a memorable password and enter your details. Once logged-in, you can use Arbor to view recent letters home, book parent's evening slots, and give consent for school trips.
A Quick Introduction to Arbor for Parents & GuardiansFor help on using Arbor please follow the above link.
You can use Arbor for the following:
- Receive messages on your computer, tablet or mobile
- Book a slot for Parents Evening
- See all your messages in one handy, uncluttered feed
- Link to other schools or clubs that also use Arbor
- Keep up to date with your school calendar
- Authorise trips or permissions online
How to get started with Arbor:
To finish creating your account, you just need to set a password. You can do this by going to, clicking on ‘Forgotten Password?’ and following the instructions on screen.. You will need to use the email address set up by the school, this should be included in your 'Welcome to Arbor' sign up email.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
Communication with parents is an important part of what we do, making sure you get the correct information about school news, activities and things that really matter is something we care about.
Please be assured that Arbor is registered with the Information Commissioner and guarantees that all information you provide will be kept private and will not be passed on to any other organisation.
Once registered, if you have an Android or Apple smartphone, we would highly recommend you download the Arbor Parent Portal App for the best user experience. To do this, simply search for “Arbor” in your App store.
If you need any additional information or assistance, please use the links provided below or if you have not received any information once your child starts with us please contact the school office.
If you anticipate having trouble accessing this information by email or mobile telephone, please let the school office know and we will ensure you continue to receive communications in paper form.
Please follow the links below for help on registering your account and using Arbor

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