Bellefield CofE Primary & Nursery School


At Bellefield we have an experienced and supportive Governing Body that is committed to improvement and make significant personal contributions to the school in terms of time and effort. They work in partnership with the Head Teacher and staff providing support and constructive challenge in order to achieve the best possible education for Bellefield pupils.

The Governing Body has general responsibility for the strategic management of the school but does not take detailed decisions about the day to day running of the school - that is the function of the Head Teacher.

As Governors, we will work with staff and parents to help children enjoy their learning and achieve their best in all aspects of school life. 

School long term vision

Our vision is grounded in Matthew 7:20 – “by their fruit, you shall know them”.   Our shared values of friendship, honesty, respect, responsibility and courage are articulated by all. These values are ‘rooted’ in biblical teaching through collective worship and the whole curriculum. Our vision for our children is evidenced in the school’s mission statement:​

Growing together to be the best we can be.

Through our Christian ethos, we will provide every member of our community with a learning experience at Bellefield Primary School and Nursery which is rich, varied and challenging.

  • Bellefield Primary and Nursery School will create new opportunities for all young people and take them on a journey to discover spirituality and challenge their thinking while encouraging risk taking in their learning.
  • We embrace and celebrate diversity and promote curiosity, enthusiasm and independence as well as a willingness to face challenges.
  • We aspire to develop a passion for life-long learning through providing opportunities for all young people to develop spirituality, skills, knowledge and understanding of the world around them to become compassionate global citizens.
  • We challenge and pursue excellence through a creative and inclusive curriculum.
  • We provide a learning environment where all can grow, achieve and aspire within a safe and caring atmosphere of teamwork, support, co-operation and fun.
  • We work with parents, families and the local and wider community to communicate and ignite the children’s curiosity and to encourage a love for learning.

The full Governing Body meet once a term. You can download our Governors' Written Statement of Behaviour principles here.

The Governing Body and staff of all schools are required to guard against any conflict between their business/professional/personal interests and their interaction with the affairs of the school and its best interest. This information will be kept in a 'Register of Interests' which is required to be made available on request to interested parties, e.g. Governors, School Staff and Parents. It is a requirement that governors’ pecuniary interests are published on the school’s website. There are currently no interests listed by the governors.

The school governors can be contacted either in writing or by email at:

If you would like to find out more about the role of a school governor at Bellefield or would be interested in joining the Governing Body please contact the Chair of Governors via the School Office on 01225 753530 or by emailing 

Current Vacancies:

We currently have vacancies on our Governing Body for Local and Foundation Governors. Any skills that can be brought on board, from work or life experience, are a huge added bonus but no previous experience of school governing is necessary. Support and training are provided.

If you would like an informal chat, Mrs Withers will also be more than happy to talk to you.

We are, of course, also a fully inclusive school and believe that Bellefield is enriched by all of its communities. If you are interested in getting involved and have another faith, or perhaps English is not your first language, we would also be happy to hear from you. Other opportunities regularly come up so do feel free to get in touch at any time. Any support is very gratefully received.


List of Governors:



Pecuniary interests Start date End date

Chair of Governors:

Mrs A Beck

 N/A 30/06/2021 09/03/2025

Foundation/Vice Chair of Governors:

Mr C Hicks

N/A 11/6/2019 10/06/2027

Head Teacher:

Mrs V Withers

N/A 01/09/2021 Ongoing


Mr B Rees

 N/A 01/09/2021 14/07/2027


Mrs A Harris

N/A 01/09/2021 31/08/2025


Mrs C Ward

N/A  26/11/2018 24/11/2026


Miss A Beck 

N/A  10/03/2021  09/03/2025


Mrs M Joy N/A 10/11/2023 09/11/2027


Mrs K Amey N/A 01/06/2024 15/04/2028


Mr J Roberts N/A 01/06/2024 08/02/2028

Associate Member:

Miss E Campbell N/A 28/09/2022 27/09/2026

Associate Member:

Mrs O Dennett N/A 09/07/2024 08/07/2028

Served in the last 12 months but no longer serving:



Pecuniary interests Served from/to        

Revd. A Coutts

N/A  1999 to 30/06/2024

Ms P Birkett

N/A 30/06/2021 to 29/09/2023

Mrs D Luther

N/A 25/4/2022 to 09/02/2024
Local Authority

Mrs A Margetts

N/A 18/4/2023 to 20/6/2024

Mr S Carpenter

N/A  07/06/2021 to 26/4/2024

Mr S Martin

N/A 07/06/2021 to 11/01/2024 

Mr P Ridout

N/A 08/11/2021 to 26/04/2024



Full Governors Meetings:



17th January 2023

PRESENT: Victoria Withers (Headteacher), Ali Beck (Chair of Governors), Petra Birkett, Chris Hicks, MJ Joy, Doreen Luther, Steven Martin,  Ben Rees, Carrie Ward, Ellen Campbell (Associate Member),Lexy Harris (Associate Member), Julie Finol (Clerk to Governors).


25th April 2023: 

PRESENT: Victoria Withers (Headteacher), Ali Beck (Chair of Governors), Scott Carpenter, Chris Hicks, MJ Joy, Andrea Margetts, Steven Martin, Ellen Campbell (Associate Member), Julie Finol (Clerk to Governors).


11th July 2023:

PRESENT: Victoria Withers (Headteacher), Ali Beck (Chair of Governors), Petra Birkett, Scott Carpenter, Chris Hicks, MJ Joy, Doreen Luther, Andrea Margetts, Steven Martin, Ben Rees, Philip Ridout, Carrie Ward, Ellen Campbell (Associate Member), Julie Finol (Clerk to Governors).


19th September 2023:

PRESENT: Victoria Withers (Headteacher), Ali Beck (Chair of Governors), Petra Birkett, Chris Hicks, MJ Joy, Doreen Luther, Steven Martin, Philip Ridout, Lexy Harris (Associate Member), Julie Finol (Clerk to Governors).


23rd January 2024:

PRESENT: Victoria Withers (Headteacher), Ali Beck (Chair of Governors), Allan Coutts, Chris Hicks, MJ Joy, Doreen Luther, Ben Rees, Philip Ridout, Carrie Ward, Lexy Harris (Associate Member), Julie Finol (Clerk to Governors).


23rd April 2024:

PRESENT: Victoria Withers (Headteacher), Ali Beck (Chair of Governors), Kathryn Amey, Allan Coutts, Chris Hicks, MJ Joy, Andrea Margetts, Ben Rees, John Roberts, Carrie Ward, Lexy Harris (Associate Member), Julie Finol (Clerk to Governors).


9th July 2024:

PRESENT: Victoria Withers (Headteacher), Ali Beck (Chair of Governors), Kathryn Amey, Chris Hicks, MJ Joy, John Roberts, Carrie Ward, Ellen Campbell (Associate Member), Olivia Dennett (Associate Member), Julie Finol (Clerk to Governors).


Members do not carry voting rights unless agreed by Full Governing Body.

Governors role

What do Bellefield School Governors do? 

  • Together with the Head Teacher they are responsible for making sure our school provides a good quality education for its pupils. 
  • They provide challenge and support to the Head Teacher, drawing on their knowledge and experience. 
  • They make decisions together on matters such as performance, targets, school policies and school development plans.
  • They monitor the impact of policies and oversee school budgets and staffing. 
  • They report on school achievements and respond to inspection recommendations. 
  • They hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints. 
  • They ask searching questions and respect the position of the Head Teacher as the professional leader of the school.  

 Instrument of Governors

1. The name of the school is Bellefield Church of England Primary and Nursery School.

2. The school is a voluntary controlled school and is part of the Equa Mead Academy Trust.

3. The name of the governing body is 'The Governing Body of Bellefield Church of England Primary and Nursery School'.

4. The governing body shall consist of a minimum of four and a maximum of twelve committee members recruited for their skills, knowledge and experience. This will include a minimum of two Parent Governors.:

           a.) 1 x Academy Head Teacher

           b.) 3 x Foundation Governors

           c.) 5 x Local Governors (or 4)

           d.) 2 x Parent Governors (or 3)

           e.) 1 Staff Governor

6. The Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education shall appoint the Foundation Governors in consultation with the Parochial Church Council of the parishes or ecclesiastical districts served by the school and the United Church.


a.) The holder of the following office shall be a Foundation Governor ex-officio: The Principal Officiating Minister for the parish in which the school is situated.

b.) The Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry shall appoint a Foundation Governor to act in the place of the ex-officio Foundation Governor whose governorship derives from the office named in a.)  above, in the event that the ex-officio Foundation Governor is unable or unwilling to act as a Foundation Governor or has been removed from office under 23(2) of the Regulations.

8. The Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry in which the school is situated is entitled to request the removal of any ex-officio Foundation Governor and to appoint any substitute governor.

9. The school has a trust.

10. Recognising its historic links with the parish churches of St. Thomas and St. James, and the United Church, the school will develop its Christian character in partnership with these churches and the Diocese of Salisbury.

The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.

11. This instrument of government came into effect on joining the Equa Mead Academy Trust on 1st June 2024.