Bellefield CofE Primary & Nursery School

Children's Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

This week has been children’s mental health week and we have been doing lots of activities in school and online to think about how we express ourselves. What do you like to do to express yourself? Is it creating a dance routine to your favourite track? Is it drawing a picture of your favourite place or your favourite animal? Maybe you like to create iMovie’s or write stories? Whatever you like to do, it is important to find time in our lives to do things that make us feel happy and good about ourselves – not just this week but every week!

Follow the link below to see some famous faces talking about what they like to do, and even a message from HRH The Duchess of Cambridge!

 Caroline our Dance Lady has been busy posting online dance routines for children to get active.  The sequences empower the brain as well as keeping you fit. If you fancy viewing and joining in the dance routine, please click on the link: