Welcome to Oak Class!
Class Teachers: Mrs Escott (Mon + Wed-Fri) and Mrs Allberry (Tues + Wed PM)
Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs Allberry and Mrs Williams
What we are learning about:
This term we are going to be doing a geography topic on Antarctica! Find out how we will be exploring our topic in all areas of the curriculum by downloading our topic plan here and the knowledge organiser here.
Our guided reading text for this term is 'Tilly and the Time Machine' by Ade Edmondson.
If you would like to do some additional home learning based on what we are doing in school, here are a range of super resources for you to use!
https://ttrockstars.com/ - Multiplication practice
Our weekly timetable:
PE Days
Our PE days over Term 3 & 4 are Thursday and Friday. These lessons will be inside as well as outside (weather permitting) so please bring in an appropriate PE kit on both of those days.
Reading expectations in Y3/4
Our expectation in KS2 is that all children must read a minimum of 4 times a week. Comments should be recorded in their Reading Record. This will usually be a couple of pages from their school book but please still encourage your child to read a range of reading materials (magazine/comic/e-book etc). We know there may occasionally be exceptional circumstances some weeks but please do try and help your child to achieve the goal - regular reading will result in rewards in school!
Homework expectations in Y3/4
Homework will be set at the beginning of each term. This will be a range of English, maths & creative activities. Your child needs to complete two activities (or as many as they like!) by the end of term which will then be celebrated in class.
At the end of Year 4, children take part in the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). Starting from Y3, we deliver daily multiplication practise to help children prepare for this test. Below is a link to a 'mock-up' of the actual test. It would be great to practise this at home as much as often to help your child be 'Times Tables Ready'. Y3's may not know all the multiplication facts yet as we will be learning them throughout the year but any early practise will still be beneficial (and lots of children seem to really enjoy the challenge of beating their previous score as they improve!)
Please could you ensure that your child has a small, healthy snack for snack time. They could bring in a piece of fresh or dried fruit, or vegetables (e.g. carrot sticks, cucumber etc). Please also remember that nuts are not allowed in school due to allergies. Thank you!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us on our class email: oak@bellefield.wilts.sch.uk
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