Bellefield CofE Primary & Nursery School


Welcome back to the final two terms before the summer holidays! This year has flown by but we still have lots of playing and exploring to do! We hope that the weather will be a bit kinder to us and we can really make the most of our wonderful outdoor space. 

As well as following the children's interests, we will be focusing on 'Growing and Changing' as we grow some plants, learn about life-cycles and consider the changes that are occurring in our own lives. We will be supporting the children who will be going into Reception in September with their transition. 

In the Nursery, children learn through purposeful play whilst supported by caring and creative adults. The resources and environment both inside and outside are carefully planned to reflect all the areas of the EYFS curriculum.  Topics and themes are planned in response to the children's interests, learning styles and stages of development. As well as following the children's interests 'in the moment', we make sure that they have access to a wide variety of enrichment activities such as visitors, trips out and about, Forest Schools and woodwork. 

We know that it is really important that we work in partnership with parents/carers so that the children can have the best possible experience in Nursery. Please talk to any member of the team if you have a question or email Miss Lillywhite 

We will keep you updated with regular Class Dojo posts but please do contact us if you have any questions. 

Nursery staff

Class teacher and Nursery Manager - Miss Bid Lillywhite

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Fi Stone, Mrs Sally James and Miss Emily Heath. 


 In the Early Years at Bellefield, we nurture the whole child and want our children to develop their skills and knowledge across all of the areas of learning. Click here for a link to the Development Matters document which explains the areas in detail. 

We also work hard to ensure our children grow to be........

  • Happy and engaged.
  • Confident and independent.
  • Curious.
  • Risk-takers and resilient.
  • Empathetic and kind.
  • Confident to communicate. 

Have a look at the photos and spot these characteristics in our amazing children!


Our Amazing Children

Useful links

 Please take a look at our Nursery Overarching Principles document here:

Nursery Ethos

 Please click here for a link to the BBC website, Tiny, Happy People. Lots of ideas to support your child with their speech and language amongst other things.