Bellefield CofE Primary & Nursery School

Welcome to Hawthorn and Maple Class!


Hawthorn and Maple are both Reception Classes. Our curriculum is child centred, learning through play and exploration.

We work as one team, where the children can learn and play together, having free-flow both inside and outside. 

Our Adults


Class teacher: Miss A Southwell (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and Mrs R Tagg (Wednesday Morning)

Teaching assistants: Mrs M Stevens (Wednesday pm) and Mrs F Williams


Class Teachers: Mrs A Gilder-King (teaches Monday and Wednesday) and Mrs R Tagg (teaches Thursday - Friday) 

Teaching assistants: Miss C Porter (teaches Wednesday pm) and Mrs F Williams


Welcome back to a new term. We are looking forward to an exciting term of learning, fun and exploration. 

Learning this term

Our topic this term is 'How does it grow'. When arriving back into school after the Easter Break the children noticed the blossom on the trees and the daffodils that had grown which lead them onto asking about plants and how they grow so we will explore this through our understanding the world sessions this term.

To support our learning this term we will be using a range of texts to inspire and engage children. Some of these texts are:



Our P.E lesson this term will be on on a Thursday morning and will be delivered by our specialist teacher, Caroline. The children will have a session in the hall and will be taught the dance part of the curriculum. 



Your child will be given a decodable phonics book. In school we will read with each child at least once a week, building on their pre-reading skills and assessing their phonic skills. We ask that your child shares their school reading book at home with an adult, with each session recorded in their reading record. Your child's book is changed every Friday. 

Our Curriculum

For Reception children we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, which is based on learning through play. We have daily phonics and math sessions. Please see our curriculum booklet for our termly coverage. 


currciulum booklet t5.pdf




Please see the timetable for an example of a weekly plan in our Reception Classes.  

Our Timetable


week 2 .docx


At the start of the day, the double doors will open at 8:40am and the children will be able to come and hang their things on their peg. Our day finishes at 3.15pm.

  • Children will need to bring in their own water bottle to drink from throughout the day. Please make sure this is named.
  • Please make sure your child brings in a waterproof coat each day. It is a good idea to send your child in with a pair of wellies to keep in school, we do go outside in all weathers. Please make sure they are named.
  • Snack will be provided by the school. Every day our children have access to fruit as well as toast. Alternatively, you may choose to supply a healthy snack, such as fruit, for your child. We are a nut free school so please ensure that anything sent in for your child does not contain nuts.