Intent At Bellefield, we aim to develop a love of reading through exposure to exciting and thought-provoking texts. We want children to feel immersed in different worlds and explore different texts through their reading. This exposure of texts will enable children to be more confident writers who will be able to use their knowledge of texts to apply to their own writing. We want children to be exposed to books that allow children to see themselves represented, promoting diversity throughout.
Our Reading and Writing lessons are planned with links to our Topic learning, which allows these lessons to be meaningful and engaging. These sessions are well sequenced, ensuring that reading and writing skills are taught throughout to all learners at their level so they can be successful. Through all of our teaching, we encourage high volumes of speaking and listening to support children to become confident speakers, who can explain and reason well so that they are understood and coherent.
We believe the skill of reading, writing and speaking are vital in creating citizens that are ready for the wider world. |
- Sounds Write phonics taught 5x a week.
- Shared storytime 5x a week.
- ‘Super 6’ - 1 book a week to share, discuss and revisit throughout the term.
- Children take home phonics books based on the spelling they are currently learning in their Sounds Write sessions.
- Children also take home a book for enjoyment to share with their families from the class lending library.
- 3 x explicit reading sessions each week.
- 5 x phonics lessons a week (Sounds Write - see Spelling section).
- Children take home phonics books based on the spelling they are currently learning in their Sounds Write sessions.
- Children also take home a book for enjoyment to share with their families from the class lending library.
- Every child reads their phonics book aloud to an adult once a week to assess if they need to move on to the next level.
- Children who have completed the phonics book scheme progress to Free Reader.
- Once a child is a Free Reader, they will take a Scholastic Reading Pro test to assign them an appropriate reading level based on their comprehension.
- Lexile levels range from 50 -1400L and each year group has an expected benchmark.
- Children complete Reading Pro tests 3x a year.
- When a child finishes a book they can complete a quiz using the Reading Pro system. If they achieve 7/10+ they have secure comprehension of the text. They are invited to try again if they score <7.
KS2: 5 x reading sessions each week.
- Children are sent home with a book and a reading record bookmark for the parent to record home reads and communicate with the teacher if necessary.
- 1 x 30 minute individual reading session. The teacher/TA hears a child read their level appropriate/Free Reader book minimum once a short term.
- The lowest attaining 20% of each class are to be read with once a week.
- Children significantly below age-related expectations are assigned a Reading Pal who does an additional 20 minute reading session each week.
- Children have a PM reading book up to Level 30 then become Free Reader.
- Once a child is a Free Reader, they will take a Scholastic Reading Pro test to assign them an appropriate reading level based on their comprehension.
- Teachers can use their discretion when a child reaches PM Level 27+ and test them using the Scholastic Reading Pro system, providing their comprehension is secure.
- Lexile levels range from 50 -1400L and each year group has an expected benchmark (see image below).
- Children complete Reading Pro tests 3x a year.
- When a child finishes a book they can complete a quiz using the Reading Pro system. If they achieve 7/10+ they have secure comprehension of the text. They are invited to try again if they score <7.
Guided Reading
- Evidence for Guided Reading is found in the children’s Yellow books.
- Every class has a whole-class guided reading book for the term. There is a set of 15 books in each class to support children reading a text 1 between 2. For a list of the reading texts used, please see the ‘Reading texts overview’ in the Curriculum - English folder.
- Children spend 2x sessions reading parts of the text aloud to the class, and answering comprehension questions based on the VIPERS skills (see below).
- 1 session a week focuses on a creative task using the children’s knowledge of their class text, drawing on specific language or details. See shared drive for examples.
- 1 session a week is reading and answering questions about an unseen text. This is entirely separate to the whole-class text; it can be fiction or nonfiction, on any topic of interest, and assesses all of the VIPERS skills.
Assessment: Children will complete the PIRA (reading comprehension) assessment 3x a year from Years 1-5. Year 6 children will complete past SATs papers to assess progress. These will help identify gaps in reading skills.
Writing and Spelling
- Daily phonics sessions following Sounds Write.
- Opportunities for children to develop their writing throughout the week.
- Daily 30 minute phonics sessions following Sounds Write.
- 4 x writing lessons per week.
- Children cover a variety of genres throughout the year, including a combination of fiction and non-fiction pieces.
- Spelling lessons taught through Sounds Write and other patterns are addressed within writing lessons.
- ‘Bellefield Write’ completed independently once per term.
- 4 x writing lessons per week.
- Children cover a variety of genres throughout the year, including a combination of fiction and non-fiction pieces.
- 1x Spelling lesson and 1x punctuation or grammar lesson per week (minimum 30 minutes each).
- ‘Bellefield Write’ completed independently once per term.
Writing skills are developed through scaffolded, modelled lessons culminating in the opportunity to write at length to use skills that have been learnt. There is a whole school approach to handwriting and we expect children to present their work to a high standard as well as developing skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Termly “Bellefield Star Writers” are awarded certificates and pens for outstanding writing.
At three points in the academic year, we assess children's reading and writing abilities. We use NFER assessment papers (across the school) as well as Statutory Assessments (SATs) (in Year 6) to track progress in children's reading ability. In writing, we assess through teacher assessment, where teacher's make judgements based on children's independent writing. In Year 5 and 6, additional assessments around Grammar and Spelling are conducted to prepare them for the SATs examinations at the end of Year 6.
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