Chestnut (Y1/2)
Chestnut Class
Class teacher: Miss Rogers (Miss Porter on a Tuesday PM, Thursday PM and Friday PM for 1 hour)
Teaching assistants: Miss Porter all week and Miss Mason Monday PM, Thursday PM and Friday PM
Dear Parents/Carers,
A very warm welcome back, we hope you have all had a lovely Summer Break. We have a very exciting year ahead of us in Chestnut Class! We will be kicking off with our new topic ‘How has travel changed in the UK?’ Our topic this term will focus on the life and work of engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the changes he made to travel. We have attached a copy of our topic web and topic plan so you can see what your child will be learning about in each curriculum area.
We would really encourage children to find and bring in any books or information they can find relating to the topic.
Just a few reminders for this term:
Our P.E sessions are being held on Thursday and Monday. Please make sure your child has a P.E kit in school (t-shirt, shorts/tracksuit bottoms, daps/trainers and a hoodie/jumper). P.E kit should be labelled clearly with your child’s name, as should all school uniform and book bags. Could you also ensure book bags are checked regularly for letters etc.
Your child will be given their reading books this week. It is important that you hear your child read at least four times a week and comment in their Reading Records. We will also be reading with your child.
As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. When you help your child learn to read, you are opening the door to a world of books and learning. Reading aloud to children is the best way to get them interested in reading. Before long they will grow to love stories and books. Eventually they will want to read on their own.
With the help of parents, children can learn how to read and can practise reading until they can read for their own enjoyment. Then they will have a whole world of information and knowledge at their fingertips!
Some children will take PM books home as they have progressed through our Phonics books and are ready to develop their fluency and comprehension through our levelled system. We will inform you what level your child is on in their reading record. We will change these books weekly and will assess their reading level termly.
However, some children will continue to take a Phonics book home. These books will contain sounds your child still needs to practise as identified in a recent phonics assessment. These will be changed weekly.
Children also develop their reading and comprehension skills during our English lessons. We aim to provide a rich variety of texts for children to promote love for reading. Our first class text this term is “The Tin Forest”.
We will have a class Dojo page where we will share information about events and activities happening in class. We also endeavour to update our 'class stories' each week, this will give you a snapshot into the learning that your child is taking part in.
It can also be used to message the class teachers. Please be mindful we will only message back during reasonable hours.
Please remember we are always available to speak to on the door before and after school – do approach us if you have any questions or concerns.
Homework challenges are sent home termly rather than weekly via Dojo. This will contain a mix of English, Maths & creative tasks. Children are expected to complete at least one (or as many) of the tasks each term. All work will be celebrated at end-of-term showcases!
Just a few other general reminders for the year ahead:
- 1) Children will need to bring in their own water bottle to drink from throughout the day.
- 2) As the weather begins to change, please make sure your child brings in a waterproof coat each day.
- 3) KS1 children are offered a piece of fruit or raw vegetable (funded by the Government) as a healthy snack, promoting commitment to healthy living. However, if your child would prefer to bring their own snack please feel free to do so! (fruit or vegetables only please)
- 4) We have Celebration Assembly on Friday afternoon at 2:40pm which is a time to celebrate the learning and achievements of the week.
- 5) Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
If you have any further questions about the year ahead please do not hesitate in speaking to us either before/after school. or alternatively emailing
We really look forward to teaching your child this year!
Kind Regards,
Miss Rogers Miss Porter and Miss Mason
(Class Teacher) (Teaching Assistants)
term 1 knowledge organiser.pdf
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